Nutrition Resources

Raising a Healthy, Happy Eater: A Parent’s Handbook: A Stage-by-Stage Guide to Setting Your Child on the Path to Adventurous Eating

Here is a link to purchase the highly recommended book, Raising a Healthy, Happy Eater: A Parent’s Handbook: A Stage-by-Stage Guide to Setting Your Child on the Path to Adventurous Eating by Pediatrician Nimali Fernando and feeding therapist Melanie Potock. This resource includes:

  • “Advice tailored to every stage from newborn through school-age

  • Real-life stories of parents and kids they have helped

  • Wisdom from cultures across the globe on how to feed kids

  • Helpful insights on the sensory system, challenging mealtime behaviors, and everything from baby-led weaning to sippy cups

  • Seven ‘passport stamps’ for good parenting: joyful, compassionate, brave, patient, consistent, proactive, and mindful.”

Ellyn Satter Institute

The Ellyn Satter Institute is dedicated to changing how parents, grandparents, adults, and children engage with their food. Through Satter’s resources, stressful and anxiety-filled mealtimes can become enjoyable, healthful experiences. This website includes:

  • Specific strategies for mealtimes

  • Links to additional resources

  • Ways to connect with the organization and others that are going through similar experiences

  • Blogs and Webinars

  • Models on healthy eating dynamics and eating competence


The International Dysphagia Diet Standardization Initiative (IDDSI) seeks to maximize the effectiveness of the conversation and implementation of strategies for individuals with dysphagia. They desire to standardize the terminology about food textures and thickened liquids, and they present consistent, useful measurements. Since their goal is to serve the global community, their resources have been translated into over a dozen languages. This website also includes:

  • Charts, terms, informative resources, and strategies for persons with dysphagia

  • News resources regarding the IDDSI

  • Curriculum and literature from the IDDSI in multiple languages

  • Informative videos

  • Webinars

Your Kids Table

Your Kids Table was founded by Occupational Therapist and mom, Alisha Gorden, to help families navigate the feeding and sensory needs of their children. This website includes blogs, affordable courses certified by the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), and free informative workshops on topics regarding:

  • Picky eating

  • Sensory needs

  • Feeding your baby

Feeding Matters

Feeding Matters is an organization dedicated to assisting and supporting families that have children with Pediatric Feeding Disorder (PFD). This website includes 

  • Screening tips to help parents assess if their child is at risk for PFD

  • Information about what type of medical professionals to contact regarding certain feeding behaviors

  • Educational resources and support options for families

  • The ability to become a member of the PFD Alliance (which provides community and additional resources to families)

  • Information and access to the International PFD Conference

My Munch Bug

Pediatric Feeding Expert and Author Melanie Potock desires to help families and professionals instill good eating habits for babies, toddlers, and children of all ages. This website includes:

  • A compilation of helpful books

  • Information about upcoming Masterclasses

  • Video classes

  • Coaching

  • Free toolbox resources including food diary templates, nutrition by age guide, food adventure games, etc. 

  • Blogs

  • Avenues to contact Melaine Potock