Rainy Day Books

Advanced Institute for Development and Learning

Is it raining at your house? Its raining at mine! I love the sound and the smell of rain. I love that the rain helps the plants grow. I love curling up on the couch with a good book when it rains. What do you love about rain?

We have linked read aloud books about rain on YouTube below. Read these books with your kids. You can listen to the reader on the video or you can mute the youtube video and practice reading the book together with your child. 

Ask your child some of the following questions before, during, or after reading: 
    1.    What do you wear when its raining outside? (Rain coat) 
    2.    What do you hold to keep you dry? (Umbrella)
    3.    What do you put on your feet so they don’t get wet? (Rain boots)
    4.    Where does rain come from? (Clouds in the sky)
    5.    How does rain feel? (Cold and wet)
    6.    What can you jump in after it rains? (Puddles)
    7.    What do you see in the sky after it rains? (Rainbow)
    8.    What needs rain to grow? (Plants) 
    9.    Do you like the rain? (Yes/No, Why?)
    10.    What does rain sound like? (Quiet, loud, running water)

Does your child know this idiom? 
“It’s raining cats and dogs” 
Ask your child if they know what it means! Have them explain the idiom to you and use it in an example. This idiom means that it is raining really hard. Ask your child if they can think of a time it rained really hard outside. 

Enjoy the books! Let us know which one was your favorite! 

    1.    The Rainy Day by Anna Milbourne and Sarah Gill
    2.    The Rain Came Down by David Shannon
    3.    The Little Raindrop by Joanna Gray
    4.    Rain Drop Plop by Wendy Lewison
    5.    Splish! Splash! By Josepha Sherman
**This book is great for elementary school aged kids. It teaches you about rain! 


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